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Industry 4.0 Capabilities: Leading manufacturers use this transformation to enhance their operations

Pratik Jain

We are in the midst of the fourth Industrial Revolution, commonly referred to as Industry 4.0. It is marked by increasing automation and data-driven smart factories that generate goods and services efficiently. But Industry 4.0 is much more than a technological revolution as it entails linking different devices for trackability and traceability with minimal human interference. 

Today, manufacturing firms encounter multifaceted challenges. If businesses do not drive Industry 4.0 in their manufacturing domain, they will surely lag. It seems most manufacturers have understood the current scenario quite well. A recent study revealed that 76% of manufacturers either own an initiative for a digital factory or are gearing towards formulating one.

Key Features of Industry 4.0 The major characteristics of Industry 4.0 showcase the enormous potential for transformation that traditional manufacturing has. These include:

  1. Vertical networking of intelligent systems of production

Cyber-physical systems incorporate the dimensions of the digital and physical systems into a single infrastructure. The vertical networking of the future factories leverages cyber-physical production systems to respond quickly to fluctuating demands. Smart factories structure themselves to bring about a customer-centred production system. For this, it needs extensive data integration. Intelligent sensor technology is also required to assist autonomous organizations and monitoring. The implementation of Cyber-Physical System and IoT technologies in manufacturing systems enables the management of complicated and flexible systems to respond well to quick changes in production and customization.

  1. Horizontal integration through a distinct generation of international value-creation networks

Value-creation networks are real-time networks that lead to unified transparency. They provide immense flexibility in responding quickly to issues, thus bringing out global optimization. Cyber-physical production systems (CPPS) have autonomous and cooperative components linked according to the context within and throughout the production levels, right from processes, up to logistics and production network. Local and global value creation networks provide networking through CPPS, from logistics through production, warehousing, sales, and marketing, to downstream services.  The information of every component is available anytime, thus, creating traceability and transparency throughout the whole process chains. Users can make customer-centric adjustments in every manufacturing stage, enabling dynamic handling of variables such as risk, time, cost, and environmental sustainability. This horizontal integration has the potential to produce distinct business models. Thus, Industry 4.0 structures manufacturers, suppliers, and customers in a virtual and horizontally-integrated value chain so that suppliers introduce technologies that fully empower them to integrate into the network of customers.

  1. Cross-disciplinary through-engineering across the complete value chain

Through-engineering embodies the vision that the main focus in manufacturing should be on the end product, apart from the production. Cross-disciplinary engineering happens during the development and production of new items. It is integrated with the product lifecycles allowing distinct harmony to be forged between product development and production systems. A feature of through-engineering is that the data is also accessible at every level of the product or service lifecycle, leading to the emergence of data-driven flexible processes. 

  1. Acceleration through disruptive technologies

Disruptive or technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, smart sensor technology, and robotics in production can enhance autonomy and boost the pace of personalization and flexibility. 3D printing is a leading technology of Industry 4.0. The implementation of additive manufacturing and other technologies is gearing the industry towards a smart production where autonomous machines, networks, and systems can exchange information.

3D printing has arrived at maturity rapidly, according to Gartner Curve, which demonstrates the maturity, adoption, and commercial applications of a particular technology. At its peak is medical implant 3D printing. 3D printing can turn a 3D design into a product without the need for expensive fixtures, thus, delineating characteristics that outline the industry of the future.

Technologies at the Heart of Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 is driven by certain exponential technologies. These technologies, by altering the current economic sectors, production, consumption, and work tenets carry the capacity to bring about wider societal transformation.

  • Cloud computing – The success of smart manufacturing demands engineering integration, connectivity, supply chain, sales, production, service, and distribution. Cloud computing solutions make this possible. They also minimize expenses for small and medium-sized manufacturers and help them scale. 

  • IoT - It creates an intelligent network fabric that users can control, sense, and program by which the physical objects become smart and can communicate independently. It makes possible the collection and analysis of enormous amounts of precious data. 

  • AI and ML – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning enable manufacturing firms to leverage the high amount of information produced on the factory and across third-party sources. These technologies fuel insights, thus aiding in the visibility and automation of business operations.

  • Digital twin – A digital twin enables companies to develop, simulate production processes, and test operations and movement of the product before bringing modifications to their sites. Thus, it helps minimize risks and downtime.

Characteristics of a Smart Industry

  • Data analytics

Embedded sensors generate enormous data for manufacturing firms. Data analysis from human resources, warehousing, or sales enables manufacturers to make decisions according to sales margins and personnel. 

  • IT-OT integration

Real-time data gained from sensors and machines on the factory floor can be instantly utilized by other assets and disseminated across other elements in the organization's software stack including ERP and similar software.

  • Mass customization

Smart factories generate goods that are customized to the requirement of customers. Manufacturers can produce small batches of personalised items for specific customers using simulation software and technologies such as 3D printing.

  • Supply chain

Industrial operations are always dependent on a robust supply chain which should be incorporated with production operations as part of Industry 4.0. It overhauls how manufacturing firms resource their raw materials and dispatch the final product. AI's capacity to create insights and put forward recommendations from big data is said to dramatically affect the operation of the supply chain in the coming decade.

Summing up

Industry 4.0 is all about eliminating an existing process to attain better outcomes. The best way businesses can navigate it is by understanding their issues and implementing a solution that resolves them.

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